10 months on….from treatment

Hi all, it’s been a while hey? 10 months in fact. I thought it might be nice to check in and let you know how I’m doing? And, for those of you who are currently dealing with this nasty disease, aim to give you some idea of what to look forward to in the comingContinue reading “10 months on….from treatment”

After surgery, then what?

It’s been a strange one. I know it takes time to heal from surgery but I’ve had to have surgery twice in 3 months and I don’t know if I’m allowed to say it, but I’m bored of all the healing, I’m bored of having to take it easy, I’m bored of not being ableContinue reading “After surgery, then what?”

Debrief with Surgeon

Apologies about the photo but I thought some of you might like to see the scar post op. It’s not a bad case of hairy arm pits – I promise! I actually braved having my pits waxed for the first time before surgery to avoid this exact problems – that was a super painful experienceContinue reading “Debrief with Surgeon”

D Day….

I think I should start with an upfront apology for this week’s blog. I’m afraid it’s not going to be an easy one to read. These last two weeks I have had an onslaught of negative emotions and worries and have led me to feeling quite down in the dumps. So feel free to skipContinue reading “D Day….”

Green Light!

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog, it seems more appropriate to write when I have information to share rather than just writing for the sake of it. Don’t want to bore you after all with the monotony of my every day life! So what’s been occurring? Well, mainly waiting around forContinue reading “Green Light!”

Meeting the plastic surgeon…

So being home with the kids over the Easter holidays has certainly kept me busy since my last appointment with Mr Kasem – when he informed me that of the two lymph nodes he pulled out, one had macro metasticised. Since then, Hamish left for New Zealand on April 1st and I’ve been keeping theContinue reading “Meeting the plastic surgeon…”

2 1/2 weeks since surgery…

I feel these last two and a half weeks have really crawled by slowly whilst I recover from surgery and wait to hear the results from the surgeon… I have really struggled with the decision as to whether or not I should post a blog this week. Namely because so many of my close friendsContinue reading “2 1/2 weeks since surgery…”

Fingers Crossed…

I’ve been on tenterhooks for the last 7 days, with a knot at the pit of my stomach, desperately trying to find a way to get away in the short period I have left before surgery. Having lost out to one, very expensive, dream holiday due to covid, I wasn’t prepared to lose another. Fortunately,Continue reading “Fingers Crossed…”

Looking for the positives…

These last 7 days have been particularly hard to live through. Our children caught covid, had to self isolate in their rooms and were back on the homeschooling. Hamish and I were desperate to try and keep a safe distance from the kids but it is, of course, difficult living all under the same germ-infectedContinue reading “Looking for the positives…”