10 months on….from treatment

Hi all, it’s been a while hey? 10 months in fact. I thought it might be nice to check in and let you know how I’m doing? And, for those of you who are currently dealing with this nasty disease, aim to give you some idea of what to look forward to in the comingContinue reading “10 months on….from treatment”

Happy Christmas News!

Well, I certainly didn’t think I’d be writing anytime soon but I just had to share the amazing news I received this morning by email. We are now in New Zealand, it’s rained and it’s rained but today, even though we woke again to another rainy morning, the metaphorical sun shone all its glory whenContinue reading “Happy Christmas News!”

Not the news I’d hoped for…

This may not be my last blog after all…. Unfortunately, the MRI results came back showing a small amount of cancer in a bone in my back between my shoulders. All I know is that it’s bigger than 5mm and it’s still considered breast cancer, despite it being found in my back. Strictly speaking itContinue reading “Not the news I’d hoped for…”

Finally – My Scan Results…am I cancer free or not?

It feels like forever since I wrote my last blog. It was in fact 7th August, the week before we headed to our family summer holiday to Croatia. Fast forward 4 months and I find myself sitting at my kitchen table, 29th November 2022, the day before the results of my most recent mammogram andContinue reading “Finally – My Scan Results…am I cancer free or not?”

Hormone Treatment Decision

This feels like quite a poignant blog to write. Twelve months ago on the 8th August 2021, I wrote my first blog about my diagnosis. Tomorrow, I will take my blue matt and wear my green anti-slip socks for the last time. Radiotherapy finishes 9:30am tomorrow morning and next Wednesday will be my last oxygenContinue reading “Hormone Treatment Decision”

My Statistics

I think anyone with children still in school must find the last few weeks of the Summer term particularly stressful. You have all the end of year preparations in terms of organising gifts for teachers, end of year tests/exams, sports days, end of term performances, assemblies, knackered children etc. But parents of Year 6 kidsContinue reading “My Statistics”


It’s been an enlightening couple of weeks for me. It always surprises me, just when I think I’m done with the next bit, something else arises and I find myself investigating and researching around the subject so that I can be more informed. If there’s one thing this journey has taught me, you can neverContinue reading “Oestrogen”

After surgery, then what?

It’s been a strange one. I know it takes time to heal from surgery but I’ve had to have surgery twice in 3 months and I don’t know if I’m allowed to say it, but I’m bored of all the healing, I’m bored of having to take it easy, I’m bored of not being ableContinue reading “After surgery, then what?”

D Day….

I think I should start with an upfront apology for this week’s blog. I’m afraid it’s not going to be an easy one to read. These last two weeks I have had an onslaught of negative emotions and worries and have led me to feeling quite down in the dumps. So feel free to skipContinue reading “D Day….”

Green Light!

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog, it seems more appropriate to write when I have information to share rather than just writing for the sake of it. Don’t want to bore you after all with the monotony of my every day life! So what’s been occurring? Well, mainly waiting around forContinue reading “Green Light!”