My Statistics

I think anyone with children still in school must find the last few weeks of the Summer term particularly stressful. You have all the end of year preparations in terms of organising gifts for teachers, end of year tests/exams, sports days, end of term performances, assemblies, knackered children etc. But parents of Year 6 kidsContinue reading “My Statistics”

D Day….

I think I should start with an upfront apology for this week’s blog. I’m afraid it’s not going to be an easy one to read. These last two weeks I have had an onslaught of negative emotions and worries and have led me to feeling quite down in the dumps. So feel free to skipContinue reading “D Day….”

Meeting the plastic surgeon…

So being home with the kids over the Easter holidays has certainly kept me busy since my last appointment with Mr Kasem – when he informed me that of the two lymph nodes he pulled out, one had macro metasticised. Since then, Hamish left for New Zealand on April 1st and I’ve been keeping theContinue reading “Meeting the plastic surgeon…”

2 1/2 weeks since surgery…

I feel these last two and a half weeks have really crawled by slowly whilst I recover from surgery and wait to hear the results from the surgeon… I have really struggled with the decision as to whether or not I should post a blog this week. Namely because so many of my close friendsContinue reading “2 1/2 weeks since surgery…”

The Operation…

This photo is one taken by my daughter, Ava, on the eve of my 51st birthday! And I felt happy, healthy and content. Today, is the day of my surgery. The day that has always been, in my mind, a day that I would reach one day in the future. And, all of a sudden,Continue reading “The Operation…”

Lucky me!

Sorry for the radio silence but we finally made it on holiday and only returned from Mexico Saturday gone! 10 full glorious days of sunshine and much needed “r & r” and several pina coladas later. It took a metaphorical mountain or two to climb to get there and the challenge of Covid and twoContinue reading “Lucky me!”

A little bit of normal…and a big surprise….

So last chemo was 6th Jan. That’s almost a week ago now and already in the last 6 days I’ve been on one bumpy roller coaster ride! Last chemo was met with mixed emotions. Walking out of the chemo suite, for the last time (I hoped?!), saying goodbye to the nurses as they turned toContinue reading “A little bit of normal…and a big surprise….”

The final countdown….

Hello peeps! Happy New Year to you all! I just want to start by thanking you for all your support last year and for all your lovely messages. You have no idea how important it is to know that people are kind enough to take time out of their day to read my blog andContinue reading “The final countdown….”

The penultimate one….

Can’t believe I have only two cycles left of EC to go! I feel I’ve been doing this forever and, then again at the same time, I remember I’ve only been doing this since August 19th! So much has happened and there is still a way left to go with regard to surgery and radiotherapyContinue reading “The penultimate one….”

What 2 weeks after EC looks like….

It’s been good having a week off from my regular weekly chemotherapy and, I guess in a way, also having a week off from writing my blog. I feel I have a responsibility to write useful and interesting content, especially as there are so many of you taking the time to read it. And, whilstContinue reading “What 2 weeks after EC looks like….”